Herons Church Visit

To complete our RE unit on the Big Question “What does it mean if God is loving and holy?”, Herons walked up to All Saints Church to explore and reflect.

We began this unit thinking about the staggering number of people in the world today who have a religious faith – 2.6 billion Christians and 2 billion Muslims. Then we zoomed in on the Christian religion and looked briefly at the huge variety of beliefs and practices all within the same religion. We noted that, despite all of their differences, one key concept that unites all Christians is the idea of a God who is both holy (divine; perfect; separate from and ‘above’ us) and loving. And if God is both holy and loving, then Christians feel a duty to worship. This beautiful church in our village, with its magnificent architecture, is itself an act of worship designed to glory in a holy and loving God. We finished our visit with a rehearsal of Silent Night/Stille Nacht to hear the beautiful acoustics in the church.

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