"They will soar on wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31)
Respect / Responsibility / Courage / Trust / Perseverance / Compassion
On Monday the Bitterns has a special day centered around Christingles. We spent the morning learning about the Christingle tradition, learning about its origins and how and why Christingle service are held in churches today. The children then enjoyed creating their own Christingles. In the afternoon we had a wonderful collective worship led by Reverent Darleen, in which some of our lovely Christingles were lit.
In RHSE the Bitterns have been exploring their emotions. We have learnt that no emotions are bad or good. We have been thinking about how emotion makes us feel and considering how best we could respond to our feelings. We also practiced reading the emotions of others and how we should support others that may be feeling upset. Can you guess which emotions we might be feeling from our faces?
Earlier this term the Bitterns class were lucky enough to visit Norwich Cathedral. Our visit supported our learning about the Christan creation story. We were fortunate to listen to stories from the bible, take part in activities centered around creation and be able to ask our hosts many questions. We had great fun looking around the cathedral on what was many of the children’s first visit. The beautiful setting was very inspiring and it led to many moments of awe and wonder for all.
The bad weather this week did not dampen our enthusiasm for PE as instead of being outside we got the opportunity to practice our curling skills. It was certainly much trickier than it looks. However, It was great fun working as a team to try and place our stones on the target, whilst also tactically knocking away our opposants stones. Adding our teams score together even provided cross-curricular links to our maths learning.
We were lucky enough to experience a forest school session on Friday to celebrate bonfire night. Together with the Coots we helped to build a fire which we sat around safely in a fire circle. We discussed the sights, smells and sounds of the burning fire whilst watching it grow. For some of us it was the very first fire we have ever seen close up. We all agreed the best part of the session was having the opportunity to toast our own marshmallows in order to make delicious smores. Our next step in our learning is to apply our experiences when writing bonfire and firework poetry.Â
This half term the Bitterns have been enjoying learning new basketball skills. We have been practicing our dribbling, catching and throwing. Fun games such as king/queen of the square have helped develop both our attacking and defending skills.
In PE Bitterns have been practicing using and finding space within games. We have enjoyed playing tag rugby and have practiced twisting and turning as we run to travel in different directions or pathways. We have also needed to alter our speed as we run in order defend the tags on our belts.
Coots and Bitterns visited Norwich Cathedral to support our learning of creation.Â