Bitterns as Readers

Our year 2 children loved preforming their poetry to their peers in year 1, who listened very carefully and gave great support and feedback. We were focusing on projecting our voices when reading to an audience as well as the importance of timing, rhythm and pauses.

In Bitterns we love reading! In class we enjoy daily reading sessions and weekly trips to the school library. We also love reading class books and have enjoyed titles such as James and the Giant Peach, The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch and Tell me a Dragon amongst many others. The children love discussing books with each other and will often recommend titles to their friends. We were fortunate enough to capture this clip of a few of our Year 2 children during a recent reading session. We were proud of their discussions around how to read the text and their understand of elements of grammar and expression. 

Year 2 Writing

Year 2 Independently writing about the impact of our changing world on polar bears. 

Year 2 planning and writing performance poetry 


Kingfishers have been reading and learning about refugees. Reflecting on how themselves would feel and linking to the main character Ahmet in ‘The boy in the back of the class’ rucksack.

Year 6 SATs

This week, our Super Year 6s have show dedication, resilience and determination in seeing their SATs through. We would like to say how incredibly proud we are of all of the children. They have tackled a wide range of questions based on Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Reading, Maths Arithmetic and Maths Reasoning. They have dug deep to show off the best of their knowledge and they know that they are so much ‘more than the score’ of their test papers. Here are some photos taken following the final test, demonstrating how witty, insightful and imaginative they are: see them taking part in some drama led by Mrs Church!

Kingfishers using technology in Maths

Teddy Bear Workshop

Kingfishers enjoyed a teddy bear workshop clinic with Rackheath Vets.

Coronation Medals

Coronation medals awarded to every child by Salhouse Parish Council and class picnic to celebrate King Charles III. 

Kingfishers making 2D using lollipop sticks

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