Kingfishers Book Review

Kingfishers class have thoroughly enjoyed this class book. They have used it as an inspiration for their own writing and also to help develop their reading skills. Clearly it comes highly recommended – perhaps you’d like to give it a go?!

Norfolk County Music Festival

We took two musical groups to play at this year’s Norfolk County Music Festival: a Year 4/5/6 ukulele orchestra (with a few guitars and a keyboard) and our Salsa Band (veterans of two previous County Music Festivals). As you can see from the videos, the children were incredible. Salsa Band kicked off the show with a Latin medley, before our ukulele orchestra played three songs: ‘So What’ (by Miles Davis), ‘How Great Thou Art’ and ‘House of the Rising Sun/Amazing Grace’. 

This was a fantastic opportunity for the children and we are very grateful to our extended musical family: Mr Weitz, Salsa Band leader; Mrs Wright, our choir leader who worked on vocal harmonies; and Mr Bell from the Norfolk Music Hub who taught the children jazz improvisation on the ukulele.

Singing Assembly 7.3.23

Today we had special performances from Toby and Blossom. Since his last guitar performance, he has passed Grade 1 and is now working on some Grade 2 pieces. Blossom, meanwhile, has been hard at work on the piano and she demonstrated how she likes to sing the notes she is playing on the keys. Finally, Grebes played some jazz ukulele to Miles Davis’s ‘So What’ and Frankie even volunteered to improvise a solo on the spot!

Animals including Humans

Kingfishers have been learning about the human skeleton and how it moves. They have learnt about joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. They created models of the hand to explore how these all work together to enable us to move.

Collective Worship 6.3.23

Mrs Church told the story of Jeremiah, an important Old Testament prophet, who was given a very difficult choice: stop telling people about God or else go to prison or even get hurt. What would you do? 

Children voted: Jeremiah should show Courage and Perseverance and continue to do what he believed was right, even though it was dangerous.

And that is exactly what Jeremiah did.

Mrs Church interviewed teachers and children with these three questions:

  1. From 1-10, how much do you think you persevere?
  2. Can you remember a time when you persevered and it had an impact on you or somebody else?
  3. What are you persevering with right now?

Mrs King has persevered in learning about her ancestry. Noah persevered in a tough football match. Daniil has persevered to learn six languages. (SIX!) How about you?

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