Actually Harvest portraits following work on Guiseppe Archimboldo.
Coots September 2020
All the children in Coots have settled really well into school. Over the last few weeks, we have been spending time getting to know each other. Last week, the children started to learn phonics. They have learnt the sounds s,a,t,p,i and n. They are now beginning to segment and blend three letter words with these sounds e.g. sat, nap, pin. At school, we use cursive writing. We must all remember our whooshes in and out. In maths, the children have been practising their numbers to 10 and 20. They have been learning how to form them correctly too. We have also started our Funnybones topic.Â
Heron Class Forest School
This is art inspired by Giuseppi Arcimboldo who used fruit and vegetables to make portraits; we have used natural materials from the school grounds.