"They will soar on wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31)
Respect / Responsibility / Courage / Trust / Perseverance / Compassion
Year 1 using analogue clocks to tell the time.
Coots and Bitterns visited Norwich Cathedral to support our learning of creation.Â
Members of Grebes class visit Coots class weekly to teach them nursery rhymes.Â
NCFC ladies first team players led a Q&A for our school collective worship.Â
Kingfishers have been thinking about the following questions:
What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?
If God is creator, what kind of God must he be?
We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed ‘What was good’. We talked about how we felt God would want us to treat His Creation.
Using ‘What a Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong as a starting point, Kingfishers shared what they felt made it a wonderful world, creating a rainbow collage of God’s creations.
Finally, they wrote instructions ‘How to take care of our World.’
Some of the Kingfisher’s thoughts:
God is an artist, a creator and a craftsman; he created the world and the animals and all the planets, he made food and pets.
As soon as God makes people, they can choose to be good or not. God wants people to be good but it’s not his decision.
Reception have been independently making patterns in maths.
Year one planning and writing a recount of harvest festival. Working hard on independence and using dictionaries to help with spellings.
Today, Year 3 learnt about prepositions. They searched the classroom looking for items that had been put in the wrong place. They wrote sentences using prepositions explaining what they had found and where. They added sentences to say where they should have been:
The clock is in the sink. It should be on the wall.
Some were able to join the sentences using conjunctions:
The clock is in the sink but it should be on the wall.
To finish, they used this picture to write sentences on their own.
Coots were excited to have Helibob, East Anglia’s Air Ambulance mascot visit our collective worship. The children had a go at answering the questions in the quiz and met Helibob.Â