Kingfishers Coding

Kingfishers have taken to coding as though they were naturals!! 

They are able to create a program to make balloons float and change direction or disappear when they are clicked on! They confidently change the background screen and create different images on it to match their theme.

They are very excited and inspired by their progress! 

I can’t to see what they achieve next week!

Viking Runes

Kingfishers have been learning about Viking Runes today. They have played games, made necklaces and written and solved some rune messages.

Kingfishers History

Kingfishers have learnt about Viking shields and enjoyed designing and creating their own in preparation for our Viking day.

Kingfishers English

Kingfishers are enjoying this book as part of the school topic of ‘Dragons’.

Each week the chapters they read are used as a starting point to build on reading skills including; inference and retrieval. They are also developing their vocabulary and writing skills using what they read from the book as a focus.

Kingfishers Talent Show

Kingfishers talent show gave a fantastic variety of acts including dance, gymnastics, rhyming and singing. A great time was had by all including the judges.

Kingfishers PE

Kingfishers demonstrate all they have learnt from PE lessons this term. Demonstrating coordination, spatial awareness, tactical thinking and perseverance! And having a great time cheering on their teams!!

Kingfishers Colour Wheel

Kingfishers have been learning about the colour wheel and exploring the impact of combining different colours. 

They have learnt about the artist Sonia Delaunay and experimented with creating pieces using circles. Some even had a go at using a compass!

We used paints, pens and pencils and were very pleased with the outcome.

We also read the book ‘A life of colour’

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