Coots walked to All Saints Church for their Harvest Festival service followed by a harvest celebration. The children brought harvest produce into school for a class celebration and we sang ‘It’s harvest time’ and ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’.Â
Solar System Presentations
On 29/10/23, Grebes presented their research into the planets and other celestial bodies in our Solar System. The children showed their courage by standing up in front of the whole school and sharing what they have been learning in class. We are so proud of all of them! However, the majority of the students still refuse to accept Pluto’s downgrading to dwarf planet status in 2011, so we will have to do some further investigation into the meaning of ‘clearing the neighbourhood’ – one of the essential criteria for planet status. (
Christian Story of Creation
The Bitterns have been learning about the Christian story of creation this week. We have been thinking deeply about how our wonderful planet was created. We have learnt about each of the seven days of creation and the order in which all aspects of the world were created.
Who’s in space? Herons Invasion Games
Herons are working hard in their Invasion Games unit in PE, learning to attack and defend territory and create space for teammates in football. These same skills can be applied in other invasion games like basketball, tag rugby and handball.
Bitterns ScienceÂ
In science we are exploring everyday materials. To start our learning on the topic we began by building houses for the Three Little Pigs. We then tested the materials using a fair test to see which would withstand wind (the wolf). The children enjoyed building their structures as a team. We had rich discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of each material and the children identified which material was best suited for building a strong and robust house.
‘The Lego bricks would be best for building the house because they are strong and solid. They are waterproof, they won’t let the rain come through.’ Year 2 Child
‘The paper would blow away in the wind, it is not good for building a house.. . it would just get soggy.’Â Year 1 ChildÂ
Grebes RE – What is the Trinity?
What better way to kick off this RE unit than by covering the playground in graffiti? Children explored the many names Christians have used for the three aspects of God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit).
God the Father: Creator, Holy, Almighty, Fortress, Rock, King
God the Son: Saviour, Human, Rabbi (Teacher), Prince of Peace, Shepherd, Prophet, God ‘in the flesh’
God the Holy Spirit: Wind, Fire, Breath, Dove, Water, Comforter
How Light Travels
Today we followed instructions to set up an experiment. The experiment showed that light travels in straight lines. If the holes weren’t lined up correctly, the torch beam would not travel all the way through. We also predicted that if the holes were smaller, the amount of light going through would be less.
Noah’s Ark
In RE our focus has been Noah’s ark with year 1 adding to previous knowledge by writing and sequencing events. Reception have been working on cutting skills and counting 2 of different animals.Â
Balancing Skills
Coots working on balancing skills in PE.