The liturgical colour for this time of year is green (‘Ordinary Time’ in the liturgical calendar) and Rev. Darleen’s stole looks like a green field full of sheep. We learned about how Jesus was a shepherd and His followers were the sheep, flocking to Him from all over.
Church School
Collective Worship – Holy Trinity
In this week’s Collective Worship, Rev. Darleen introduced the concept of the Holy Trinity using the image of a Jammy Dodger! Christians believe that God has three forms:
God the Fatherbecause we believe that God is the creator of everything and Lord over all the universe.
God the Son because we believe that God chose to come to earth in human form as Jesus, the son of Mary.
God the Holy Spirit because God shows His power in our daily lives.
Three forms but one God. Just like the biscuit, cream and jam of a Jammy Dodger!

Collective Worship – Pentecost
Today Rev. Darleen talked to us about waiting for Pentecost. Before his death on the cross, Jesus had told his followers to wait for the Holy Spirit to come, which happened 50 days after his death at the time of Pentecost.
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:1-4).
But before that happened, there was the waiting time. Rev. Darleen used the image of a traffic light to explain: when the light is green, it’s time to go; when the light is red, it’s time to stop and wait. And when the light turns amber, it’s time to get ready. We are close to Pentecost now – an amber light time!

Coronation Medals
Coronation medals awarded to every child by Salhouse Parish Council and class picnic to celebrate King Charles III.
Theologists reflecting on Holy week
Our theologists have been reflecting on why Holy week is important to Christians.
Key Stage 2 Special Assembly Friday 9th September 2022

In a special assembly this morning to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we watched BBC Newsround to understand and celebrate the life of our monarch and the news of her sad death. We watched a short film of her life, including her role in World War II, her marriage to Prince Phillip and her accession to the throne of the United Kingdom and The Commonwealth. Newsround recalled many important events over the Queen’s lifetime, right up to the Coronavirus pandemic, the death of Prince Phillip and the celebrations over her Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. The programme explained that the Queen’s eldest son now becomes King Charles III. We learnt that the Queen will ‘lie in state’ in London until her funeral, which is still to be arranged. Queen Elizabeth II was the United Kingdom’s longest reigning monarch.
Scarlett (Herons, Y5) – “My sister just started crying, ‘I don’t want her to die.’
Flynn (Herons, Y6), “My mum just said Queen Elizabeth died.”
Toby (Herons, Y6) – “We were all doing Scouts when they explained, so we had a minute’s silence.”
Aaron (Herons Y6), “Me and my family all clinked glasses,” this was to honour the Queen and show the family’s respect.
Chloe (Grebes, Y4), “Me, my brother and my mum cried.”
Turlisa (Herons, Y6) explained that her brother’s girlfriend started crying and when she went to comfort her, she cried and felt sad too.
Lizzie (Grebes, Y5), “All of a sudden when we got home my dad called to say the Queen had died.”
Victoria (Grebes, Y4), “They said on the news yesterday that Charles would become king.”
We talked about how we would explain the sad news to younger children in school and reflected upon Queen Elizabeth’s long life of 96 years. As well as being the longest reigning monarch in the world, she had stayed healthy and looked after herself for such a long time. Most people in the UK do not remember anyone else as monarch.
Mitchell (Grebes Y5), told us that his grandma is 96 and is the same age as the Queen and we reflected that for lots of older people, as well as young, it’s a very sad and emotional time.
Turlisa (Herons Y6) and Mirren (Grebes Y4) read a prayer in honour of Queen Elizabeth II.