Coots Art

Coots have created salt paintings and been creative with the Kapow woven wonders unit resulting in looming.

Seed Dispersal Investigation

As part of their work on seed dispersal, Kingfishers have been developing their scientific skills by; posing testable questions, carrying out enquiries, collecting and recording observations and drawing conclusions.

The question they were investigating was ‘ Do smaller fruits have fewer seeds?’

It was a sticky but fun afternoon with some resourceful methods for keeping count being used!

Girl’s Football League – Round 2

After finishing second last time, our Year 3 & 4 Girls’ football team returned to the Nest to compete in the  ‘Championship’, the second tier in the competition, playing matches against Firside Junior, Hillside Primary and Woodlands Primary. After winning all three matches, the girls finished top of the Championship and will be playing in the Premier League next time we meet in June! Amazing work!

Year 4 and 5 Forest School – April 2024

This week Year 4 and 5 enjoyed time outside in the chilly but sunny afternoon, starting with a dandelion count as we walked the length of the football pitch which will be repeated next week to see how many more will be visible. Different groups spent time painting dandelions, fire-lighting using a ‘dragon’s breath’ and den-building. They worked well in teams and it was fantastic to see children teaming up with new people they don’t normally work with.

Kingfishers Music

Kingfishers enjoyed their music lesson all about Mussorgsky’s ‘Night on Bald Mountain’. (Click here to see a live performance of the whole piece: They were asked to imagine what kind of story this instrumental piece of music could be telling, with the only non-musical clue being the title. Children first listened, then they did quick sketches of the story the music suggested, before responding to the music with physical movement. Each group’s performance was different. In the videos here you will see asteroids hitting Earth, a gun fight, a huge monster attacking. 

After the lesson, Kingfishers enjoyed their first ukulele lesson, learning the chords C and Am and playing some games. Children who have had lessons with Mr. Bell got the chance to show off their skills.

Year 4 and 5 Forest School

Year 4 have loved having the chance to join Year 5 for Forest School. Year 5 have taught them the big three rules of Forest School: 1. Look after myself. 2. Look after others. 3. Look after nature.

Year 4 Child: “Wait, we are allowed to climb trees?”

Year 5 and 6 Sainsbury Centre Trip

What better way to conclude our exploration of sculpture than a visit to the Sainsbury Centre at the University of East Anglia? The Sainsbury Centre has a fantastic collection of sculptures and other art works, some dating back thousands of years and others created this year. Children explored the Sediment Spirit exhibition (, Permanent Collection and outdoor Sculpture Park. Within those three sections of the day, children were given freedom to explore their own interests. Some chose to explore as many of the thousands of exhibits as possible, while others became captivated by individual artworks and spent a long time with them. 

After a picnic lunch in the Sculpture Park, we went into the studio to create some sculptures of our own, led by artist Hannelore Baxter who introduced students to reflective artworks by artists Lygia Clark, Lynn Chadwick, Rana Begum, and Anish Kapoor, who all use sheet metal within their creative practice. Students then created 3D forms from flat materials and played with lighting and colour to create sculptures that might reflect, refract, and perhaps even move. Through the use of photography, students were encouraged to imagine their work on a much larger scale as maquettes for huge sculptures or perhaps even buildings. By placing tiny human figurines in, on and around our sculptures, the scale suddenly became huge! It was fascinating to think about how people interact with sculpture and the buildings we live in.

A big thank you to FOSS for paying for the whole trip!

Year 3 and 4 Gymnastics Trip

Year 3 and 4 teamed up to visit Norwich Gymnastics Club and enjoy the chance to explore the wide range of equipment and to be taught by professional gymnastics coaches. The children split into five groups and got to experience five different areas of the gym: 1. floor, 2. balance beams, 3. high bars, 4. trampoline, 5. vaulting table. All of the areas and the activities led by the Gymnastics Club staff were designed to gradually increase the difficulty level, giving all children a challenge regardless of ability and experience. Children were all very positive about the experience and it was great at the end to hear so many asking if they could join the club. If you would like your child to join Norwich Gymnastics Club, visit their website here:

Here were some of the children’s comments overheard:

“I am definitely signing up for gymnastics!”

“That was so scary but I’m proud of myself for doing it.”

“You have to be seriously strong to do gymnastics.”

“When are we coming back here?”

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