Gogo Giraffe

An exciting week for the Bitterns, as we got to sand and prime our Gogo giraffe and work in collaboration with our artist, Josie Smyth.

Block Coding

The Bitterns used Scratch to design a musical instrument and program code to run ‘on tap’.  They selected appropriate blocks for their purpose and were incredibly creative!


This week, the Bitterns delved into a lively hot-seating activity, interviewing Mr. and Mrs. Twit – where Mr. Twit showcased his dreadful manners by refusing to knock, snacking on bits from his beard, and slouching improperly in his chair – all in preparation for writing diary entries in the first person!


The Bitterns have been busily measuring and comparing lengths and heights with metre sticks this week.

Roald Dahl

The Bitterns have Roald Dahl in our spotlight this half term.  This week we have enjoyed a few amusing extracts from The Twits, sketching whilst listening to Dahl’s entertaining description, in preparation for our character profiles next week.

Bonfire Forest Schools

The Bitterns enjoyed a fantastic ‘Bonfire Night’ special Forest School session, learning about fire safety, roasting marshmallows, making s’mores and getting creative with a bit of poetry!

A big thank you to Mrs Grieve for making it so inspiring!

Observational Drawing by Bitterns

In art we have been exploring shape and techniques to create texture. Today we bought in some cuddly toys and used our observational skills to draw and colour them.

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