Coots Science

This week in Science we began our learning about our amazing bodies. We started by naming body parts. The children drew around each other and then labelled the body parts. A few tricky challenge ones were added in too!

Coots Computing

In Computing this week, we were exploring the virtual bee-bot. We had to use the programming buttons to make the bee-bot move to a certain letter. Whilst exploring, we realised that the directions needed to be in the correct order. We had to predict, test and review to ensure the bee-bot ended up in the correct place.

Making Christmas hats

The children enjoyed making their Christmas hats ready to wear during our School Christmas lunch. 

Learning together through play

In Coots we have lots of time to learn and play together. These children are learning to take turns and follow game playing rules, others are mark making and exploring writing with their friends. 

Coots PE

We were very lucky to have the sun shining for our P.E. Lesson with Mr Ward this week.  We were busy skipping and weaving in and out of poles. 

Coots are getting excited for the half term holiday and we look forward to hearing everyone’s news when we return to school. 

Coots Maths

In our Maths learning this week, Reception Coots have been making repeating patterns and Year 1 Coots have been making number bonds to 10.

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