Noah’s Ark

In RE our focus has been Noah’s ark with year 1 adding to previous knowledge by writing and sequencing events. Reception have been working on cutting skills and counting 2 of different animals. 

Balancing Skills

Coots working on balancing skills in PE.

Coots have been focusing on 5

They have been working hard to count 5 objects and form the numbers 1 to 5. Lots of soaring on wings at 4 years old!

Learning Group Sounds

Coots reception busy learning group 1 sounds. Working hard as a team and learning how to share and wait their turn.

Making Friends

Our reception children have been busy making friends, exploring the outdoor area, learning phonics sounds and forming numbers.

Planetarium Visit

Coots had an amazing visit from a Space planetarium. The children had a wonderful time and learnt so many facts about space.

What did Coots learn from the Planetarium visit? 

Felix said “I now know the names of the planets”. 

Bobbie said, “The planets spin around the sun but the sun does not move”.

Jude said “The sun has not hit lava but it has gases”. 

Violet said “I have seen the first man on the moon and how he walked.”

Emilia said, “I saw the planets and what they looked like”.

Henry Blogg Museum Visit

Reception Coots went by train to the Henry Blogg museum in Cromer. 

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