
This term in Kingfishers we are learning what coding is. We are building up games which require us to move items around the screen, change direction and disappear. In order to do this, we need to create a code that causes something to happen when an item is clicked on or a button is pressed.

Once we are successful, we can create different backgrounds and add other images.

When we are not successful, we need to look back at the codes we have created and see why it does not work.

Stay Safe Online

The children have been learning about how to stay safe online. They have designed screen savers which remind users of the things to be aware of and how to behave whilst using the internet.

Stone Age

In Kingfishers, we have been learning about the Stone Age.

We have learnt about sources of information and explored some historic sites including Scara Brae and Stonehenge.

We have used the books ‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘A street through time’ to find out more.

This week, we have been combining our writing skills which have included; drafting and redrafting, using paragraphs and adverbials, with our learning in history.

Here are just a few examples of our achievements!

Stone Age Art

We have been learning about how we know about the past.

We have explored primary and secondary sources of information.

We know about the Stone Age period because of the things that were left behind.

We have used the internet to find out about

Stone Henge, Scara Brae and cave paintings.

We have talked about the purpose of the cave paintings and decided that maybe they were to:

Tell a story, retell an invent, to leave a message or a warning.

We explored different examples to collect ideas and then created our own – it was fun using the charcoal and pastels, what do you think they used in the Stone Age to create the images?


Today we began to learn about how music is written down. Kingfishers were so interested and knowledgeable that they began to create their own compositions using crotchets, quavers and rests. They learnt the names of the notes and recorded these underneath then performed their compositions to the class.

Adding and Subtracting

This week, Kingfishers have been adding and subtracting hundreds, tens and ones when no exchange is needed. They have been working towards doing this mentally.

We have started by using base 10, moved to using place value charts and finally working answers out in our heads.

Today we played a game with a grid from 1 to 1000! We rolled the dice which told us whether to add or subtract 10 from the number we were on. It was great fun!

Creation Story

Kingfishers have been thinking about the following questions:

What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?

If God is creator, what kind of God must he be?

We listened to the story from the Bible and discussed ‘What was good’. We talked about how we felt God would want us to treat His Creation.

Using ‘What a Wonderful World’ by Louis Armstrong as a starting point, Kingfishers shared what they felt made it a wonderful world, creating a rainbow collage of God’s creations.

Finally, they wrote instructions ‘How to take care of our World.’

Some of the Kingfisher’s thoughts:

God is an artist, a creator and a craftsman; he created the world and the animals and all the planets, he made food and pets.

As soon as God makes people, they can choose to be good or not. God wants people to be good but it’s not his decision.


Today, Year 3 learnt about prepositions. They searched the classroom looking for items that had been put in the wrong place. They wrote sentences using prepositions explaining what they had found and where. They added sentences to say where they should have been:

The clock is in the sink. It should be on the wall.

Some were able to join the sentences using conjunctions:

The clock is in the sink but it should be on the wall.

To finish, they used this picture to write sentences on their own.

How Light Travels

Today we followed instructions to set up an experiment. The experiment showed that light travels in straight lines. If the holes weren’t lined up correctly, the torch beam would not travel all the way through. We also predicted that if the holes were smaller, the amount of light going through would be less.

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