The Continents

In Geography this week, the children have been recapping on their knowledge of the continents, oceans and seas. It was fantastic to see how much they had remembered from their work in Year 2.

We completed a class jigsaw, played our own beetle drive game which involved adding the continents and oceans. The children then coloured their own maps with a colour for each continent before creating a key – we will be adding to this map during future geography lessons.

To finish the lessons we sang a song to help us remember the names of the continents.

Investigating Place Value

The Kingfishers have been investigating the place value of 3-digit numbers today; they used the base 10 to create a 3-digit number and then plotted it on an empty number line. Some used an abacus on which they were only allowed to place a set number of beads to create as many different 3 digit numbers as they could. They plotted each number they created on an empty number line.

Exploring Reflective Materials

We have been investigating which materials are reflective and which are not.

First, we needed to create a dark tent and prepare a table to record our findings.

Then we predicted and tested various materials using a torch.

We linked what we found out to uses or reflective materials that we see around us every day for example:

  • Reflective strips on Emergency worker’s clothing.
  • Cats eyes on the middle of roads
  • Road signs
  • Mirrors
  • Can you think of more?

Courageous advocacy helping our changing world

Year 2 Writing

Year 2 Independently writing about the impact of our changing world on polar bears. 


Kingfishers have been reading and learning about refugees. Reflecting on how themselves would feel and linking to the main character Ahmet in ‘The boy in the back of the class’ rucksack.

Kingfishers using technology in Maths

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