Herons Music Spring 2022

We are using tuned percussion, keyboards and ukuleles to develop our music skills. We are learning to read music from a stave and play different rhythms in time with each other. We have performed in assembly too.

Herons Art Spring 2022

We have found out about artists who are inspired by nature and tried out their ideas. Yayoi Kusama features pumpkins in her work with infinity rooms. How many pumpkins can you see?

Herons PE Spring 2022

We have developed sequences in gymnastics, sometimes mirroring our partners, sometimes doing the opposite and trying to copy each other exactly with movements.

Robot Designs

Collaging paper to create texture for our robot designs. How detailed can you be using your scissor skills?

Herons RE

We celebrated Harvest with the whole school walking to the local church to give thanks, sing songs and say prayers.  Rev. Darleen also led our Christingle service at school . We rounded off the term with a performance of “Lights Camel Action” to tell the nativity story through songs and dance and remind ourselves and parents of the true meaning of Christmas.

Herons PE

Besides PE lessons with Mr Ward and swimming at Broadland High School, we find lots of opportunities to be active whether it is trying to fly during  forest school with tarpaulin wings or joining with Joe Wicks on Children in Need day.

Herons Music

We still enjoy beating out rhythms from Bucket Beats which we took part in last year. This performance was during forest school.

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