Herons’ Autumn Term’s Learning

As part of the whole school topic “Funny Bones”, we have found out about how amazing our bodies’ organs and systems are, including a rather disgusting demonstration of the digestive process which involved a pair of tights, coffee and breakfast….. We finished the science part of this topic by cooking healthy recipes such as flapjacks and carrot cakes and even making our own apple justice using a press, it looked weird and was hard work but was named “tastyfresh” and tasted just like that.

We have become proficient at using google classroom and google slides to make presentations for assemblies on the core value of Respect to share with other classes and also to show our knowledge about NHS heroes. Here are some examples showing animation or transition of slides and our researching skills, putting information in our own words:

Following on from reading the new book “Health heroes” by Emily Sharratt, we were inspired to apply for jobs in the NHS to show off our writing skills in a formal letter. Here is the start of one:

We worked on rhythm and rhyme to write poems based on Michael Rosen’s “These are the hands”:

These are the hands,

That open the gate,

To welcome the children,

Make sure they’re not late.

These are the hands,

That write on the board,

Help us learn.

The classroom “Lord,”

Helps find our future,

Teaches us lessons,

That are super duper,

Help us find the answer,

Towards our dream job

Maybe .. a dancer?

These are the hands

That let us have fun

While working hard

Until it’s all done, Whose hands are these?

Forest School Fridays have helped develop our intra-personal skills, problem solving abilities and physical and mental well-being. Here are a few of the activities we have done so far: cooking pasta, hot chocolate,making rope swings, dens, learning knots, making parachutes and slides.

Art and music have been taught together by looking at music from different cultures,trying out the rhythmic ideas from this and then representing them pictorially through collage. What different sounds can you see here?

We have also been developing our printing and stencilling techniques ready to make Christmas cards.

Heron Class Forest School

This is art inspired by Giuseppi Arcimboldo who used fruit and vegetables to make portraits; we have used natural materials from the school grounds.

Year 2 and 3 Science Based Learning

This week’s home learning for Year 2 and 3 has been science based. They have been exploring liquids and gases as well as floating and sinking. It looks as though it was lots of fun!

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