Coots Computing

In Computing this week, we were exploring the virtual bee-bot. We had to use the programming buttons to make the bee-bot move to a certain letter. Whilst exploring, we realised that the directions needed to be in the correct order. We had to predict, test and review to ensure the bee-bot ended up in the correct place.

Autumn Half Term 2 2024 – Fledglings

We celebrated Diwali by getting involved in some messy play, recreating fireworks patterns. We also made rangoli patterns with our wooden shapes, whilst ready our book all about Diwali. The children also enjoyed learning some traditional Diwali dance moves!

During this half term we learnt lots about Autumn and seasonal changes in the environment. The children enjoyed going for listening walks around the school grounds, collecting sticks and leaves to use in their play, as well as learning about Nocturnal animals. We focused on the story ‘Owl Babies’, looking at the story sack and re-enacting and retelling the story during role play.

We had a couple of children also came into Fledglings with an interest about the village they live in. This extended to creating a map of Salhouse, adding different places that the children could name. The children worked together with this and compared it to the world map on the wall. We also used to globe to visualise where the United Kingdom is in the world. The children enjoyed using the map in their imaginative play, adding small figures, cars and trains to support their ideas.

Making Christmas hats

The children enjoyed making their Christmas hats ready to wear during our School Christmas lunch. 

Forest School

This week in Forest School children built sturdier dens using the reef knot and the round turn and two half hitches; made a grave for a hedgehog and learned to whittle and knit.


Year 4 have been exploring electricity, learning that it is a form of energy and that it can be generated in many ways. They learned about the National Grid and how electricity makes its way from the power stations into our schools, businesses and homes. Now they are building and testing circuits of their own.

Gressenhall Trip

Grebes went to Gressenhall Workhouse and Farm to deepen their understanding of what childhood was like in Victorian times for both rich and poor. Under the strict schoolmistress’s eye, they set the table, shone shoes and polished brass. Children also made candy canes and dolls, as well as enjoying some traditional dance, song and drama. A HUGE thanks to FOSS for funding this trip!

Learning together through play

In Coots we have lots of time to learn and play together. These children are learning to take turns and follow game playing rules, others are mark making and exploring writing with their friends. 

Kingfishers Music

Kingfishers performing David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ ballad.

Round Turn and Two Half-Hitches

This week in Forest School we used reef knots to connect ropes to each other, and a new knot – the round turn and two half-hitches – to construct sturdier shelters suspended between trees. Some children performed their own dance and puppeteering shows for classmates. At the end, we all came together for some hot squash and a high energy snack of flapjacks freshly made over the fire. A wonderful end to a chilly week!

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