Coots Maths

In our Maths learning this week, Reception Coots have been making repeating patterns and Year 1 Coots have been making number bonds to 10.

Grebes Timeline

In History we are investigating how the lives of children have changed over time. Each group learned about a child from a different era, did a presentation to the class and put their character on our giant timeline on the playground. See if you can spot Lily and Hattie in the distance – their character, Taya from the last Ice Age (15,000 years ago), could not fit on the timeline!

Food and Digestion

In Grebes, Year 4 have been learning all about Food and Digestion, this week focusing on food chains in different ecosystems. Meanwhile, Year 5 have been learning all about mixtures and separation.

Invasion Games

Grebes have been working hard in PE, learning to use space more effectively on the football pitch.

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