Nursery Rhymes

Members of Grebes class visit Coots class weekly to teach them nursery rhymes. 

NCFC Ladies

NCFC ladies first team players led a Q&A for our school collective worship. 

Making patterns 

Reception have been independently making patterns in maths. 

Harvest Festival

Year one planning and writing a recount of harvest festival. Working hard on independence and using dictionaries to help with spellings.

Collective worship – special guest visitor

Coots were excited to have Helibob, East Anglia’s Air Ambulance mascot visit our collective worship. The children had a go at answering the questions in the quiz and met Helibob. 

Salhouse Girls Football

Salhouse girls have been enjoying some extra football sessions during Wednesday lunch times with some expert coaching from some of the Norwich City players. They have been learning some new skills and thoroughly enjoying it!!

Harvest Festival 

Coots walked to All Saints Church for their Harvest Festival service followed by a harvest celebration. The children brought harvest produce into school for a class celebration and we sang ‘It’s harvest time’ and ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’. 

Solar System Presentations

On 29/10/23, Grebes presented their research into the planets and other celestial bodies in our Solar System. The children showed their courage by standing up in front of the whole school and sharing what they have been learning in class. We are so proud of all of them! However, the majority of the students still refuse to accept Pluto’s downgrading to dwarf planet status in 2011, so we will have to do some further investigation into the meaning of ‘clearing the neighbourhood’ – one of the essential criteria for planet status. (

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