Planetarium Visit

Coots had an amazing visit from a Space planetarium. The children had a wonderful time and learnt so many facts about space.

What did Coots learn from the Planetarium visit? 

Felix said “I now know the names of the planets”. 

Bobbie said, “The planets spin around the sun but the sun does not move”.

Jude said “The sun has not hit lava but it has gases”. 

Violet said “I have seen the first man on the moon and how he walked.”

Emilia said, “I saw the planets and what they looked like”.

Leavers’ Assembly 2023 Photo Slideshow

A photo montage of our wonderful Year 6 students. It will play automatically from Slide 3 onwards.

Salsa Band Final Performance

Our legendary Salsa band performed their final concert of the year today – and for Year 6s Annabel, Sadie, Ben and Toby – their last ever. As ever, the children confidently switched instruments and played an energetic set of songs that got us all set for the day. Thank you to Mr Weitz, musical director of the band. Looking ahead to September, are you interested in joining the band and learning a range of new instruments? New members are required!

Happy Writer Studio Recording

UPDATE: Here is the final version of Happy Writer, produced by Mr Bell. See if you can spot the differences. We hope you will be a Happy Listener!

After we separately recorded all the parts of this song, the many sound files all had to be chopped up and mixed together. Here is the latest version. 


Main ukulele riff and bass drum – Lizzie

Main ukulele melody – Sully

Vocal soloists: Anya, Victoria and Layla

Singers: Isla, Georgina, Jack, Ivy, Ffion, Eadie, Mia, Frankie

Egg shakers: Isla and Georgina

Rhythm ukulele: Everybody!

Instrument solos (in order):

1. Sully and Megan

2. Ivy and Jack

3. Rowan and Zach

4. Georgina and Isla

5. Ffion

6. Mirren

7. Frankie

8. Tilly / Freya (keyboards)

9. Mitchell

10. Frankie

11. Chloe (violin)

12. Anya – thumb piano

13. Sully and Megan (reprise)

Special thank you to our music teacher, Mr Bell, from the Norfolk Music Hub for making this recording possible!

Final Mix

Rough Mix

Herons Maths 

Year 5 Herons can be seen here working hard on furthering their understanding of decimals. They have been adding and subtracting decimals with up to two places and applying this to lots of reasoning and problem-solving questions. Since Year 6 have largely completed the Maths curriculum in the run-up to SATs, they can be seen going over their knowledge of decimals, fractions, percentages and ratio, and also using problem solving and reasoning to complete investigations on these areas. For this, they have been using the Maths website ‘Nrich,’ which is hosted by the University of Cambridge, as well as other interactive resources. Just look at the detail in their books and their determination to trial, improve and display the theories they have come up with!

Herons English 

As part of a non-fiction Writing focus, Herons have researched and written their own non-chronological reports on a theme of their choice. Animals was by far the most popular category, the children devising their own subheadings and thinking carefully how to present and show off their work. The results can be seen here and on our ‘achievement work’ display in the classroom. 

Herons Science

This term, Herons Year 5/6 have been investigating different materials and their properties. Here, the children are devising their own investigation into the hardness of different materials. As part of this line of scientific enquiry, Herons discussed and wrote down how to conduct a fair test, what the variables and constants would be and how they could both show and explain/interpret their results in their written work. Can you spot all of the materials used? 

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