Today Reverend Darleen led our special Collective Worship to celebrate Easter. Children from all five classes told the story of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. On the Thursday, Jesus and his disciples shared the Last Supper. Jesus broke bread and shared it saying, “This is my body. Take it and eat it and remember me.” He then took a cup of wine and told them that it was His blood: “Drink it in remembrance of me.” He was later arrested, his identity signalled to the armed men by Judas’ kiss. On Good Friday, Jesus was crucified and died. From there, Reverend Darleen took up the story, showing children a large red gift box and asking them to guess what might be inside. When Edie opened it, to her surprise there was nothing in it at all. Even more surprisingly, Reverend Darleen said “That is the most exciting thing about the box – that there’s nothing in it!” Jesus’ tomb was empty: He had risen again!