Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot

The Bitterns have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot in history. We started our learning  by thinking about why we celebrate bonfire night on the 5th of November each year. The children listened very carefully as I told them about the gun powder plot and were able to discuss key events.  Once they had heard the story they were able to recall events and facts about the plot. They were very interested in the two groups of Christians and why one group didn’t like King James.  Once we had learnt about why the plot happened and why it failed, the children demonstrated their understanding by ordering the events of the story. They also produced some amazing writing about the plot, detailing all they had learnt. 

‘ I learnt that Guy Fawkes and all his friends planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder.’  (Year 1 child) 

Herons’ History

We have found out how important the rivers were to Norfolk in the past as transport routes were very poor with marshy ground and not many roads and no trains at first.  We found out about trading wherries that then became part of the tourist industry.  We were treated to a visit by the Norfolk Wherry Trust who look after Albion, one of the last trading wherries. They sang  wherry shanties and told us about life aboard a wherry a hundred years ago.  We used photographs to find out more evidence about the Norfolk broads in the past.

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