Year 3 and 4 Gymnastics Trip

Year 3 and 4 teamed up to visit Norwich Gymnastics Club and enjoy the chance to explore the wide range of equipment and to be taught by professional gymnastics coaches. The children split into five groups and got to experience five different areas of the gym: 1. floor, 2. balance beams, 3. high bars, 4. trampoline, 5. vaulting table. All of the areas and the activities led by the Gymnastics Club staff were designed to gradually increase the difficulty level, giving all children a challenge regardless of ability and experience. Children were all very positive about the experience and it was great at the end to hear so many asking if they could join the club. If you would like your child to join Norwich Gymnastics Club, visit their website here:

Here were some of the children’s comments overheard:

“I am definitely signing up for gymnastics!”

“That was so scary but I’m proud of myself for doing it.”

“You have to be seriously strong to do gymnastics.”

“When are we coming back here?”

Coots PE

Curling Fun

The bad weather this week did not dampen our enthusiasm for PE as instead of being outside we got the opportunity to practice our curling skills. It was certainly much trickier than it looks.  However, It was great fun working as a team to try and place our stones on the target, whilst also tactically knocking away our opposants stones. Adding our teams score together even provided cross-curricular links to our maths learning.

Bitterns PE 

This half term the Bitterns have been enjoying learning new basketball skills. We have been practicing our dribbling, catching and throwing. Fun games such as king/queen of the square have helped develop both our attacking and defending skills.

In PE Bitterns have been practicing using and finding space within games. We have enjoyed playing tag rugby and have practiced twisting and turning as we run to travel in different directions or pathways.  We have also needed to alter our speed as we run in order defend the tags on our belts.

Salhouse Girls Football

Salhouse girls have been enjoying some extra football sessions during Wednesday lunch times with some expert coaching from some of the Norwich City players. They have been learning some new skills and thoroughly enjoying it!!

Who’s in space? Herons Invasion Games

Herons are working hard in their Invasion Games unit in PE, learning to attack and defend territory and create space for teammates in football. These same skills can be applied in other invasion games like basketball, tag rugby and handball.

Balancing Skills

Coots working on balancing skills in PE.

Herons PE 

Take a look at Herons’ indoor PE unit with Mr Ward using balancing, movement and bodyweight. After practising and performing different balances by themselves, they have honed their skills to perform with a partner in various positions. You can see the concentration on their faces as they experiment with different poses and positions!  

Grebes PE – The Haka

In Dance, children are learning the Haka, a dance made famous by the New Zealand rugby team. We watched the All Blacks performing this legendary challenge.

And then had a go ourselves!

Which is more intimidating?

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