Bitterns Gymnastics

This half term the children will be learning gymnastics in PE with Mr Ward. They have already had two sessions and have really enjoyed learning the different types of rolls such as a sausage roll and a blunt pencil roll. When talking to the children it was lovely to hear them using a brilliant vocabulary to describe their learning. 

‘A point is a small part of your body’- Freddy Yr1 

‘A patch is easier to balance on because it is bigger than a point. A patch is a bigger part of your body like your tummy or back.’ -Jack Yr2

Herons PE Spring 2022

We have developed sequences in gymnastics, sometimes mirroring our partners, sometimes doing the opposite and trying to copy each other exactly with movements.

Herons PE

Besides PE lessons with Mr Ward and swimming at Broadland High School, we find lots of opportunities to be active whether it is trying to fly during  forest school with tarpaulin wings or joining with Joe Wicks on Children in Need day.

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