What People Are Saying

Parent Comments

What a super warm welcome I received when I visited Salhouse on Monday! I was greeted with smiles and waves and a buzz of excited activity; the children were all keen to share what they were learning.

You all have given so much to our children. Not just the great learning they both achieved, against the odds. But also the core values and ethos they learned at your school, running like strong threads through the cloth of their characters. They will carry these threads for the whole of their lives.

… she was so excited to build a boat today! 

I just wanted to write to let you know how fabulous your staff are although I have no doubt you already know this!

Thank you so much for this past year, my daughter has come on leaps and bounds!

Tapestry is a fab tool, it has everything you need to deliver the EYFS to the under 5's and it's great to get updates on things that are done in class, it gives us a real insight into what fab teaching you do!

She is looking forward to her second year in your class from September.

It sounds like such a happy school!

Holt Hall? What a WONDERFUL experience the children are haivng

Hattie really enjoyed empathy day, its all she is talking about

Thank you for a wonderful morning, so much effort was put in!

Chloe has been telling me all about the butterflies, she is amazed by them

What a wonderful environment are children are in

Its great to see how much fun the have a school



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